Doon International School is an acknowledged institution of excellence
A co-educational, day and residential school operating out of three campuses-Dehradun City Campus, Dehradun Riverside Campus and Mohali. The school is in fact and spirit an international school, catering to the needs of students from all parts of the world. It prepares students according to standards prevailing in most countries, including India.
The courses of study, as well as norms of achievement in every field, are aimed at preparing our students for educational qualifications acceptable throughout the world. Doon International School is run by a registered, educational and non-commercial, not for profit society consisting of committed educationists and social workers of high standing and repute.
The courses of study, as well as norms of achievement in every field, are aimed at preparing our students for educational qualifications acceptable throughout the world. Doon International School is run by a registered, educational and non-commercial, not for profit society consisting of committed educationists and social workers of high standing and repute.
With a view to promote and spread quality education throughout the country, Doon International Educational society felt the need to establish quality schools in various places. Mohali is the first place outside Dehradun where the school was established.
Doon International School , follows the best teaching which is recognized as being amongst the best in the country. It is a day and residential, senior secondary school, and is in fact and in spirit, an international school catering to the needs of students from all parts of the world.
It prepares students according to the standards prevailing in various countries, including India.The courses of study, as well as norms of achievements in every field, are aimed at preparing them for educational qualifications acceptable throughout the world.
The curriculum for the school students is based on syllabi laid down by the reputed Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi commonly known as the C.B.S.E.

The word ‘School’ comes from the Greek word for leisure – leisure in which to learn, a place where students and teachers can flower, a place where a future generation can be prepared because schools are meant for that, not just merely to turn out human beings as mechanical, technological instruments – though jobs and careers are necessary – but also flower as human beings, without fear, without confusion, with great integrity." - J.Krishnamurti
The inspiration. The beginning.
Inspired by the words of celebrated J.Krishnamurti (1895-1986), thinker, philosopher, teacher, we sat out to create an institution that unfettered young minds and gave them an opportunity to express their creativity in an environment of liberalism and knowledge. The year was 1993. Set in an expansive campus in verdant Dehradun, DIS started with an initial student strength of 500.
Keen and active minds are encouraged to think, analyse, create and express, preparing good citizens and leaders for tomorrow